Friday, May 7, 2010


Today begins my discourse to publish my thoughts in cyberspace. My original plan was to start a website called "The Fallacy Papers"; however, to design and run a website was not desirable. Additionally, I would have to pay for the website - another con to starting a website. By utilizing a blog website, I accomplish what my website would do with the added benefit of not costing me a dime. Win-win!

My desire to start a website ignited from watching American politics unfold and the reaction of people to those events across our great nation. I believe numerous elected officials and many of those in the spotlight would be decried by our Country's Founding Fathers. A voice of reason must be heard. I have a voice of reason but I don't think I'm the one to get on the soapbox. Therefore, I decided to write my thoughts and publish them on the web in the hopes a person who does have the mustard will see my words and take action. I know this is a wild dream, but, I can dream!

Now the name of my proposed website comes from debunking those currently in power in our Government. Many of them I believe are being fallacious. Their understanding of the Constitution and of the beliefs of our Founding Fathers are in error. My plan was to present papers on various subjects dispelling our elected officials' misbeliefs. Thus was born "The Fallacy Papers."

So now, instead of my website, I will have my blog. I changed the name slightly but the intent is intact. I'm sure there will be many who will find what I write fallacious. My hope is I at least make a compelling argument so those who might actually feel I'm the one being fallacious will seek out answers in source documents. This hope is a long shot. I've already accepted this.

This weekend I'm off to Georgia for my daughter's graduation from Berry College. My next blog entry will be on Monday.

Remember, you can't judge today's standards by yesterday nor judge yesterday's standards by today.


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